Figures current as of the end of FY 2024 (June 30, 2024)


$247.415 MILLION

$10.74 MILLION


What is legacy giving?
Legacy giving is charitable giving that is arranged in the present to provide a future source of income for a beneficiary. In the Archdiocese, the beneficiary can be a parish, a school, a ministry or even the Archdiocese itself. In many cases, the gift is invested in an endowment fund. This produces a steady stream of interest or investment income to the beneficiary, leaving behind a legacy of love and compassion long after the donor has moved on to the next life.

Why legacy giving matters
We have a shared responsibility as Christians to celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the word of God and exercise the ministry of charity to help our Church, its parishes, schools and agencies to become a true community of faith with vibrant resources. To do so means to provide financial support for today — and, at the same time, build a firm financial foundation for tomorrow.

One of the biggest advantages of legacy giving is that, over time, you are able to leave a larger gift and make a greater impact. In addition, your gift provides a permanent, never-ending source of income to the beneficiary.

Ways to leave a legacy
To fit different needs, there are different ways to make a legacy gift. Some allow you to make the gift immediately. Some provide you and your family with income for a period of time before the account transfers to your beneficiary. And others become active only when your estate is settled. We’ll be happy to sit down with you and help you decide which type of legacy gift is the best for your situation.

Do more for the least of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

At CCF, it is paramount to us that we see through your giving intentions. If you plan to leave a gift to the Church in your will, we ask that you please complete the following Gift Intention Form to inform us of important details regarding your gift to the Archdiocese or any of its parishes, schools or ministries.

Click Here for the Gift Intention Form

1400 N. Meridian St.

Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367

1.800.382.9836, ext. 1482
